Best Motors Site
Alert to a planning permit application PA141/2023
A CASSOC member has notified us of a planning permit application of concern for a car wash/service station/kiosk. This permit raises the following concerns;
Operating hours. 4am-11pm -allowing only 5 hours overnight without noise disturbance to nearby residents.
Concerns about the efficacy of a proposed acoustic barrier.
Proximity to future residential development
Proximity to Forest Creek and potential for contamination.
If you are concerned, please lodge an objection ASAP. If you know of others who will be affected by this permit, please pass this information on. Contact CASSOC for further information
Application description;
The use the site as a car wash, construct a building or carry out works to display an internally illuminated business identification and promotion signage, variation of service station hours, and to alter the access to a road in a Transport Zone 2
Planner: Jennifer Stanwix
30-32 Duke St, Castlemaine
Applicant Conform Developments C/- Human Habitats
Reports available on Greenlight for PA141/2023
Heritage Advice
Landscape Plan
Waste Management Plan
Traffic Report
Lighting Plan
Acoustic Report
Planning Report
Section 50 Amend a permit application form
Updated Plans
Notice Of Advertising 30/11/23