CASSOC made a Budget Submission for the 2024/5 year. Community is invited to make submissions regarding budget allocations via Shape. This submission was sent by email to our Councillors, Mayor, CEO and to our local MP Maree Edwards.

To Mt Alexander Shire Council
Budget Submission 2024/5: Attn Caroline Ross, Executive Manager Corporate Services:
From: Bryon Cunningham President
Castlemaine Society Inc (CASSOC)
Castlemaine Society Inc (CASSOC) submits that the Shire’s Heritage Department requires a funding increase in the 2024/5 budget.
As per the Mount Alexander Planning Scheme, at 15.03-1S, there is a statutory requirement ‘to ensure the conservation of places of heritage significance’. The Shire must also meet the Planning and Environment Act 1987 (Vic) section 4 objectives.
Currently the workload far exceeds the Officer hour allocation, and funding is insufficient to ensure the continuation of the 2023 Castlemaine Heritage Study through to the next stages.
The Heritage Department requires increased and secure funding in order to;
- Review the existing heritage overlays.
- Progress the recommendations of the 2023 Castlemaine Heritage Study and the Project Advisory Community Panel, to citations and planning scheme amendments. This expert panel has identified new areas of significance, and its work has been halted due to insufficient funds.
- Update the 1979 City of Castlemaine Architectural and Historical Survey, by Perrott, Lyon, Mathieson which is now 45 years old. The citations and statements of significance all require expert review and updating to meet current standards.
- Manage permit applications on an ongoing basis without having to outsource this work to external consultants.
Mount Alexander Shire has exceptional heritage value. Our Council is a signatory to the UNESCO Victorian Goldfields World Heritage Bid. Heritage is the single greatest attraction for people to live in, and to visit the Shire. Our built and natural heritage, and our management of it, has the potential to grow our economy, our employment, and our reputation.
Castlemaine Society Inc. has the support of the heritage community in requesting the prioritizing of the Heritage Department in the 2024/5 budget. This would enable Council Officers to cover the scope of work to fulfil the Council’s legal obligations to Heritage.
Yours sincerely,
Bryon Cunningham contact: